When you talk about radioactivity you can't leave out the name Radium. Let's test how good you know about this element !!

1) Radium is more radioactive than Uranium.True or False?

    a) False

    b) True 

2) From which ore did the Curies extracted Radium for the very first time?

    a) Zinc blende

    b) Tobernite

    c) Pitchblende

    d) Coffinite

3) Marie Curie died in 1934 due to:

    a) Bubonic plague

    b) Aplastic anaemia

    c) Avian influenza

    d) Tuberculosis

4) How many natural isotopes are there for Radium?

    a) 1

    b) 2

    c) 3

    d) 4

5) The 𝝰-rays that were used by Rutherford in 1909 for the famous gold foil experiment was emitted

    from which nuclei?

    a) Radium

    b) Uranium

    c) Polonium

    d) Thorium

6) Which of the following is the Radium compound that was used in Radiotherapy?

    a) Radium nitride

    b) Radium chloride 

    c) Radium sulphate

    d) Radium bromide

7) Which is the most stable isotope of Radium?

    a) Ra-223

    b) Ra-226

    c) Ra-228

    d) Ra-224

8) The density of the element Radium is:

    a) 0.5 g/cm³

    b) 2 g/cm³

    c) 3.5 g/cm³

    d) 5 g/cm³                                                                                 

9) Radium was previously used in luminous paints for clock and watch dials.Is this statement true?

    a) Yes

    b) No

10) Which of the following statements are true?

  A- Radium is present in all U ores

  B- Radium can be extracted from exhausted fuel rods obtained from reactors

    a) A 

    b) B

    c) Neither A nor B

    d) Both A&B

11) The chemical formula of Pitchblende is:

    a) RaCl

    b) RaBr

    c) UO

    d) UO

12) The Radium metal was isolated also through electrolysis method by Marie Curie & Andre Debierne 

      in 1911.Which was the cathode material used in this electrolytic process?

    a) Graphite

    b) Hg

    c) Ti

    d) Pt



1) b    2) c    3) b    4) d    5) a    6) b    7) b    8) d    9) a    10) d    11) c    12) b