Scandium occupies the topmost position in the third group of the modern periodic table.It's also the first member of the transition metals.Let me take you through some important multiple choice questions regarding this element.

1) Who among the following is credited with the discovery of the element Scandium?

    a) George Brandt

    b) Lars Frederik Nilson

    c) William Gregor

    d) Andres Manuel del Rio

2) Consider the following statements about scandium:

   A: Scandium tarnishes in air

   B: Scandium reacts with water

   Determine whether the above statements are true or false.Choose the correct option:

    a) Only A is true

    b) Only B is true

    c) Both A & B are false

    d) Both A & B are true

3) Which among the following Scandium compound is used in mercury vapour lamps?

    a) Scandium fluoride

    b) Scandium bromide

    c) Scandium iodide

    d) Scandium chloride

4) Which one of the following is the main ore of Scandium?

    a) Monazite

    b) Pitchblende

    c) Bauxite

    d) Thortveitite

5) Metallic scandium can be prepared by reducing scandium fluoride with calcium.True or false?

    a) False

    b) True

6) Scandium carbonate is insoluble in water.True or False?

    a) True 

    b) False

7) The most common oxidation state for Scandium is:

    a) +5

    b) +4

    c) +3

    d) +2

8) Scandium triflate is commonly used as: 

    a) Lewis base

    b) Lewis acid

9) Which of the following statements are true?

  A: Scandium produces no spectroscopic lines

  B: The existence of Sc was predicted by Mendeleev even prior to its discovery

    a) A only

    b) B only

    c) Both A & B 

    d) Neither A nor B

10) The approximate density of Scandium is:

    a) 1 g/cm³

    b) 5 g/cm³

    c) 3 g/cm³

    d) 7 g/cm³



1) b        2) d        3) c        4) d        5) b

6) a        7) c        8) b        9) c        10) c